Agriculture Services Programme for an Inclusive Rural Economy and Agricultural Trade
How To Raise Lobster

How To Raise Lobster

ASPIRE program in Oddar Meanchey province:
On Thursday, March 31, 2022, the ASPIRE Program Team of Oddar Meanchey Provincial Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, including: Deputy Director of Anlong Veng District, Trapeang Prasat District Officer, Marketing Officer and ASPIRE Program Advisor monitored the progress of the business cluster. Lobster in Osvay commune, Trapeang Prasat district.

– Mr. Vat Sophorn, President of the Shrimp Business Group and a shrimp breeder, according to his information, some members have expanded the shrimp pond, because now members can sell lobsters gradually, as this month sold a total of 10 Kilo at the price of 1 kilo is 120,000 riels.

[dt_sc_blockquote cite=” Design Themes”]Mr. Vat Sophorn, President of the Shrimp Business Group and a shrimp breeder, according to his information, some members have expanded the shrimp pond, because now members can sell lobsters gradually, as this month sold a total of 10 Kilo at the price of 1 kilo is 120,000 riels.[/dt_sc_blockquote]

The ASPIRE teams is always focused on disseminating techniques and providing expertise to Farmer business community to finding market for farmers.

Improve your business Growth:

The ASPIRE teams is always focused on disseminating techniques and providing expertise to Farmer business community to finding market for farmers.

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  • Providing breeding techniques
  • Care Skills
  • Monitor breeding progress
  • Post-harvest market


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