Outcome 1:
Productivity and Resilient Assets for Producer Organizations finances productive investments of POs and their members and related public infrastructure.
Agriculture Services Programme for an Inclusive Rural Economy and Agricultural Trade is a programme of the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia (GoKC) implemented by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and financed by International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), European Investment Bank (EIB) and GoKC
MORE INFORMATIONRural poverty and vulnerability have decreased and climate resilience of Cambodian rural households has increased through inclusive and environmentally sustainable growth in agriculture sector.
Inclusive and sustainable agriculture sector growth based on exports and domestic markets has increased incomes of rural producers and workers.
Component 1: Productive & Resilient Assets for Producer Organizations; Component 2: Business Partnership and Market Access and Component 3: Aggregating Farmers and integrate them into Value Chains.
Productivity and Resilient Assets for Producer Organizations finances productive investments of POs and their members and related public infrastructure.
Business Partnership and Market Access provides financing and capacity development support to SMAEs in the target value chains and also finances supporting public investments in public services and associated infrastructure, to include a Post-Harvest Reference Centre, Export Quarantine Inspection Offices, a Plant Health Reference Laboratory and Plant Health Research Stations.
Aggregating Farmers and Integrating them in Value Chains will provide capacity building support to new and existing POs to help them achieve the capacity required to qualify for investment support.
•125,000 rural households (corresponding to 500,000 people), who are poor and vulnerable rural Cambodians whose income is less than 150% of the national poverty line.
•500 Producer Organizations/Agriculture Cooperatives
•35 Unions of Agriculture Cooperative
•Agribusinesses and local traders
•Strategic infrastructure for agriculture trade facilitation
•Development & dissemination of improved agricultural, post-harvest and processing technologies
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