Welcome to ASPIRE
All 4 components of ASPIRE, are inter-dependent, corresponding to the 3 outcomes as shown below:
3.1 Component 1: Evidence-Based Policy Development and Implementation:
The Agricultural Extension Policy in Cambodia was approved in April 2015. The Agricultural Extension Policy aims to sup-port, facilitate and coordinate the work of all extension providers in Cambodia so that farmers and farming communities receive regular extension services and timely, adequate, accessible and adaptable technical information.
ASPIRE Component 1 is jointly implemented by AUAS (Analytic Unit for Agriculture Sector) of the Supreme National Economic Council (SNEC) of MEF and Department of Planning and Statistics of MAFF. The knowledge-based policy development component supports research, studies and development of agriculture strategy papers, policies and strategic plans. The Component aims to support and strengthen the policy framework and public institutions for agricultural service provision in Cambodia. The component has three Sub-Components:
3.2 Component 2: Capacity Development for Agriculture Extension Services
The Department of Extension for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DEAFF) and GDA are responsible for the planning and implementation of Component 2, with the overall aim to improve Extension Quality and Knowledge Management and Strengthen human resources for extension, and to support PDAFFs and other extension service providers to ensure the improved extension and technical advisory services and farmers and producers can access and use high quality extension services, resilient and technologies, innovations and best agricultural practices. This Component is divided into 2 Sub-components.
3.3 Component 3: Improved Extension Services
This programme component comprises of two sub-components:
3.4 Component 4: Infrastructure Supporting Climate Resilient Agriculture:
NCDD-S is the Implementing Agency for Component 4 of ASPIRE. This component, Climate Resilient Infrastructure, contributes to Outcome 3 of ASPIRE. Up to 32 Districts and 180 Communes/Sangkats in 8 provinces receive financing in the form of Performance Based Climate Resilience Grants and Specific Investment Climate Resilience Grants (SICRG).
The Objective of Component 4 contributes to the outcome of improved and resilient farm businesses by addressing the need for resilient and climate adaptive infrastructure to support smallholder production in the districts identified as most vulnerable to climate change. NCDD-s has made remarkable progress: