The ASPIRE is a 7-year programme of the Royal Government of Cambodia.  The Programme became effective with the signing of the Financing Agreement between the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) and IFAD on 5th March 2015. The Programme Implementation Date is June 2015 and was officially launched on 8-9 October 2015. The original Programme Completion Date was June 2022 and Closing date was 31 December 2022. However, the programme completion date has been extended 31 December 2022 and the Financial Closing Date is 30 June 2023.

The overall development goal of the ASPIRE Programme is to reduce poverty and to increase resilience of 144,000 poor and vulnerable smallholder farmers in Cambodia by increasing an average household agricultural production value by 20% and value of household assets by 25%.  The development objective is to establish an “enhanced Cambodia model of agriculture services which is demonstrated as effective for assisting a diversity of smallholder farmers to contribute to broad-based economic growth through profitable and resilience farm businesses and is adopted as policy by 2021”.

The ASPIRE programme promotes policy dialogues between producers, private sector and policy makers- through Programme Budget approach, multi-stakeholder platform or forum, business cluster development, contract farming approach and through policy development and implementation.

  • SNEC, NCDDS, DPS, DEAFF, GDA, RUA, NIA, PDAFFs, DAI, RET suppliers, NGOs, Private Sectors (Input Suppliers, Buyers, Supermarkets, Export Companies, etc.)


  • ASPIRE is a programme of the Royal Government of Cambodia, supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
  • MAFF is the Lead Programme Agency joined by SNEC in implementing Component 1 and by NCDDs in implementing Component 4.
  • ASPIRE is led by a Programme Director, supported by ASPIRE Secretariat Support Team Manager and by 2 Programme Managers responsible for Extension, Technology and Research and Programme Budgeting respectively, and one Programme Manager from NCDDs.
  • The Programme was designed to run for 7 years, from 2015-2021, however, in light of the Covid-19 global pandemic, the programme has been extended to 2023.
  • Development Goal: Reduced poverty and increased resilience of poor and vulnerable smallholder farmers in Cambodia.
  • Programme Development Objective: Enhanced Cambodian model of agriculture services is demonstrated as effective for assisting a diversity of smallholder farmers to contribute to broad-based economic growth through profitable and resilient farm businesses.
  • Programme Components:
  • Evidence-Based Policy Development
  • Capacity Development for Extension Services
  • Improved Extension Services and (4) Infra structure Supporting Climate Resilient Agriculture.
  • Outcome 1: A national investment programme that can be supported by multiple donors is designed to implement an updated extension policy that provides smallholder farmers with access to quality information services.
  • Outcome 2: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) has institutional and human resources capacity to manage an effective, demand-driven system linking researchers and knowledge-based agencies to extension agents in public sector, private sector and civil society and to farmers.
  • Outcome 3: At least 144,000 smallholders have improved and resilient farm businesses as a result of integrated, demand-led extension services and investment in climate resilient infrastructure.
  • Targeted Areas: Countrywide, covering all 24 provinces of Cambodia.
  • ASPIRE Extension Instruments: ASPIRE deploys 6 core extension delivery instruments: Contract Out, Public Private Partnership (PPP), Support to Agriculture Cooperatives/Farmer Organizations (AC/FO), Farmer to Farmer (F2) and Direct Public Extension Service (DPES)
  • ASPIRE 6 Principles: Link to Market, Business Team Work, Multi-Stakeholder Platform, Food Safety, Climate Resilience and ICT CHAMKA App
  • ASPIRE has a budget of USD$86,613,350, (original and additional financing).

Kampong Speu Province: Miss. Cheas Seang La is an emerging 21-year-old youth lead farmer in the vegetable business cluster in Omlaing Commune, Thpong District, Kampong Speu Province. She is part of the increasing number of rural young women who are deploying their skills productively into the agri-business value chain. She focus for this month was educated at the provincial agricultural college and gained agricultural know how through her studies. She is now deploying her knowledge and her ASPIRE-AIMS acquired technical skills into her sustainable vegetable net house business and is emerging as the face of a new model of young rural women entrepreneurs who are joining hands with the IFAD funded programs in order to create their own quality livelihoods.

Kampong Chhnang Province: ASPIRE program team of Rolea Bier district and commune outreach agency registered members of the chicken raising Business Cluster in Chea Rao village, Rolea Bier commune, Rolea Bier district. In order to examine the implementation of techniques and problems that farmers face. As a result, farmer Moeut Ya, who is raising chickens for sale using artificial insemination techniques, has 500 hens and 15 hens and 500 broilers. According to his interrogation, he earns 5,000 riel per month from the sale of 5,000 21-day-old chickens per month, earning 300 kilograms of broilers for R16,000 per kilogram. He is currently planning to expand his business.

Koh Kong Province: Progress of Safe Vegetable Business​ Cluster of Farmer Mrs. Ny Buntha is living at Sre Ambel commune, Sre Ambel district, prepares to grow safe vegetables in net house that got new technologies are resistant to climate change of ASPIRE programme. She can supply market demand on a regular basis​ in one day can harvest 5 to 10 kg for sale with a price between 12,000 riel to 15,000 riel per kilogram.


Agriculture Services Programme for Innovation, Resilience and Extension (ASPIRE) is a programme of the Royal Government of Cambodia, supported by International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD).


Video's ASPIRE


The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC)
The ASPIRE will be overseen
The outputs and activities of ASPIRE
MAFF is the designated Executing Agency (EA)
ASPIRE is designed as a national programme
The ASPIRE Financing Agreement

The goal of Agriculture Services Programme for Innovation, Resilience, and Extension (ASPIRE) is to reduce poverty and increase the resilience of poor and vulnerable smallholder farmers in the Kingdom of Cambodia.


St.57 Khan Chamkar Mon, In Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Forestry and Fisheries, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Phone: (+855) 95 336 362
Fax: +(855) 95 336 362

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